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Real Time CT & CT Fluoroscopy. MDA/00/10, Mar-00

This report examines the technology, applications and dosimetry of CT scanners that are capable of performing continuous, real-time imaging. Toshiba first introduced real-time CT in 1995, using it in their contrast scan timing package, Sure Start, and their interventional application, CT Fluoroscopy. Since then, other manufacturers have introduced similar technology. The dosimetric implications for both patient and operator of the equipment are examined, and recommendations for radiation protection are given.

Electronic access to a pdf file version of this report is available from the CEP website.

report cover

:: electronic access to evaluation reports

pdf file versions of reports published since 2002 can be downloaded from the CEP web site. Electronic reports published earlier than this are available to UK NHSnet users only, from the NHSNet evaluation web site. Direct links to each pdf are provided on the report summary pages on the ImPACT web site. The pdf files can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat, or similar software.

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